Our 1st Snow of March
Just a light dusting
March 12th
Just a light dusting
March 12th

Our 2nd snow of March
6 & 1/2 inches of very wet snow
March 28th

Well the kids got to play in the snow today. Yesterday we got 6 1/2 inches of very wet snow. I was begged and sweet talked, but I held my ground and did not let them play in the wet snow. ( I did not want to deal with a very wet and frozen 11 and 2 year old.) So I held out until this morning at 9am. Alot better and worth the wait. The wet snow has frozen and was great for sledding on. here are a few movies of the kids having fun.
I think the only thing that stopped was Jamie hitting a wet, grass sink hole in the yard.
Justin was a little unsure of this at first but then he decided that he liked it and said "more, more".